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Terms & Conditions policy

Terms and Conditions Policy 

'The following Terms and Conditions apply generally to all the products and packages, tours sold by LVPTRAVEL VIETNAM Travel (LVPTravel ). Your payment to the company confirms acceptance of these terms and conditions. LVP Travel Car will pick you up from the airport if you request Pick up Service in the Booking.

All Bookings will be full payment 60 days before Departure. When you paid for the tour, we will have a receipt and send it to you! Customers that cancel 60 days before departure will incur a cancellation fee of 10 % total tour costs after instant booking.

  1. For cancellations before 60 Days of departure100% of the tour cost  will be charged as cancellation charges."
  2. For cancellations before 90 Days of departure70% of the tour cost will be charged as cancellation charges.
  3. For cancellations before 120 Days of departure50% of the tour cost will be charged as cancellation charges
  4. For cancellations after instant confirmed booking10% of the tour cost will be charged as cancellation charges


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